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Provisions for Supervision of Drug Distribution

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Provisions for Supervision of Drug Distribution

Commissioner of SFDA

Provisions for Supervision of Drug Distribution

(SFDA Decree No.26)

The Provisions for Supervision of Drug Distribution, adopted at the executive meeting of the State Food and Drug Administration on December 8, 2006, is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of May 1, 2007.

Shao Mingli
Commissioner of SFDA
January 31, 2007

Provisions for Supervision of Drug Distribution

Chapter I

Article 1 These Provisions are formulated for the purposes of strengthening drug supervision, regulating drug distribution order and ensuring drug quality in accordance with the Drug Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Drug Administration Law), the Regulations for Implementation of the Drug Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Regulations for Implementation of the Drug Administration Law) and the requirements of the relevant law and regulations.

Article 2 Any institutions or individuals engaged in the purchase, sales and supervision of drugs in the People’s Republic of China shall abide by the Provisions.

Article 3 Drug manufacturers, distributors and medical institutions shall be responsible for the quality of the drugs that they produce, distribute or use.

Drug manufacturers and distributors shall carry out reforms and innovations in the direction of pharmaceutical logistics provided that drug quality is assured.

Article 4 The drug regulatory departments encourage individuals and organizations to involve in the social supervision on drug distribution. Individuals or organizations have the right to report or accuse of any violation of the Provisions to the drug regulatory departments.

Chapter II Supervision on Drug Purchase and Sales by Manufacturers and Distributors

Article 5 Drug manufacturers or distributors shall be responsible for their drug purchases and sales, and liable for the purchases and sales activities of their sales staff or offices in the name of their enterprise.

Article 6 Drug manufacturers or distributors shall train their purchase and sales staff on drug related laws, regulations and professional knowledge, and establish training records including time, venue, content and trainees.

Article 7 Drug manufacturers or distributors shall strengthen the management of the sales staff and set up specific rules for their sales behaviors.

Article 8 Drug manufacturers or distributors shall not store or spot trade drugs on the premises not approved by the drug regulatory departments.

Article 9 Drug manufacturers shall sell drugs that they produce in the name of themselves, and shall not sell any drug that they produce for contract manufacturing or any drugs produced by others.

Article 10 Where a drug manufacturer or wholesaler sells drugs, it shall provide the following materials:
(1) Copies of the Drug Manufacturing Certificate or Drug Supply Certificate, stamped with the seal of the enterprise, and the business license;
(2) Copies of the approval documents for the drug to be sold, stamped with the seal of the enterprise ;
(3) For import drug sales, relevant proof documents should be provided in accordance with the related provisions of the State.

Where a drug manufacturer or wholesaler sends any of its sales staff to sell drugs, it shall, in addition to the materials prescribed in the previous paragraph of this Article, provide a copy of the authorization letter with the seal of the enterprise. The original authorization letter shall contain the authorized drugs, regions and time of validity for drug sales, indicate the identity card numbers of the sales staff, and be stamped with the enterprise seal and legal representative seal (or signature). The sales staff shall show the original authorization letter and identity card for the check by drug purchasers.

Article 11 Where a drug manufacturer or wholesaler sells drugs, it shall provide sales document indicating supplier’s name, drug name, manufacturer, batch number, quantity, price, etc.

Where a drug retailer sells drugs, it shall provide sales document indicating drug name, manufacturer, quantity, price, batch number, etc.

Article 12 Where a drug manufacturer or distributor purchases drugs, it shall request, examine and retain the relevant certificates and documents of the supplier in accordance with the requirements set forth in Article 10 of the Provisions, and request and retain sales document in accordance with the requirements set forth in Article 11 of the Provisions.

The documents retained by the drug manufacturer or distributor in accordance with the previous paragraph of this Article shall be kept till one year after the date of expiry, but not less than three years.

Article 13 Where a drug manufacturer or distributor knows or should know that any person without certificates produces or distributes drugs, it shall not provide the person with any drug.

Article 14 A drug manufacturer or distributor shall not provide premises, qualifications documents, notes, etc. as conveniences for others to distribute drugs in its own name.

Article 15 A drug manufacturer or distributor shall not spot trade drugs by means of exhibition, exposition, trade fair, commodity fair or product promotion event.

Article 16 A drug distributor shall not purchase or sell pharmaceutical preparations prepared by medical institutions.

Article 17 A drug distributor shall not change its distribution mode without approval of the drug regulatory department.

A drug distributor shall operate within the approved distribution scope in the Drug Supply Certificate.

Article 18 A drug retailer shall, pursuant to the requirements of drug classification regulations set forth by the State Food and Drug Administration, sell prescription drugs in the presence of prescriptions.

Any drug retailer selling prescription drugs or Class A non-prescription drugs shall, in the absence of its licensed pharmacists and other qualified pharmaceutical professionals, put up a public notice and stop selling prescription drugs and Class A non-prescription drugs.

Article 19 For drugs that need low-temperature or cold storage as specified in drug insert sheets, the drug manufacturer or distributor shall transport and store the drugs with low-temperature or cold storage facilities in accordance with the relevant provisions.

When finding any drug manufacturer or distributor violates the requirements in the previous paragraph of this article, the drug regulatory department shall seal up or seize the drugs concerned immediately and deal with the matter in accordance with law.

Article 20 A drug manufacturer or distributor shall not provide the public with prescription drug or Class A non-prescription drug by means of tie-in sale, offering free drugs in association with sales of drug or commodity sale, etc.

Article 21 A drug manufacturer or distributor shall not sell prescription drugs directly to the public by post or over internet.

Article 22 Any illegal purchase of drugs is prohibited.

Chapter III Supervision on Drug Purchase and Storage by Medical Institutions

Article 23 The pharmacy established by a medical institution shall have the premise, equipment, storage facilities, hygienic environment, and pharmaceutical professionals required for drug dispensing. It shall also have the drug quality control units or personnel, and establish a system for drug storage.

Article 24 Where a medical insititution purchases drugs, it shall request, examine and retain the relevant certificates, documents and notes of the supplier in accordance with the requirements set forth in Article 12 of the Provisions.

Article 25 Where a medical institution purchases drugs, it shall establish and apply an examination and acceptance system, and keep authentic and complete purchase records. Purchase records shall indicate the adopted name of the drug in China, manufacturer (for Chinese crude drug, the origin should be noted), dosage form, date of expiry, drug approval number, supplier, quantity, price and date of purchase.

Drug purchase records shall be kept till one year after the date of expiry, but not less than three years.

Article 26 A medical institution shall establish and apply a system for drug storage and maintenance, and take necessary measures to ensure drug quality, such as cold storage, protection against freeze and humidity, ventilation, moisture proof, protection from direct light and fire, and avoidance of insects and rodents.

A medical institution shall store drugs and non-drug products separately; Chinese crude drugs, prepared slices of Chinese crude drugs, pharmaceuticals, and traditional Chinese medicine preparations shall be stored separately by category.

Article 27 A medical institution or family planning technical service institution shall not directly provide drugs for patients without diagnosis or treatment.

Article 28 A medical institution shall not sell prescription drugs directly to the public by post or over internet.

Article 29 Where a medical institution purchases drugs via a centralized tendering, it shall comply with the relevant requirements of the Drug Administration Law, Regulations for Implementation of the Drug Administration Law and the Provisions.

Chapter IV Legal Liabilities

Article 30 In any of the following circumstances, the drug manufacturer or distributor shall be instructed to rectify within a time limit and given a disciplinary warning; and if the drug manufacturer or distributor fails to do so, it shall be fined not less than RMB 5,000 yuan but not more than RMB 20,000 yuan:
(1) any drug manufacturer or distributor in violation of Article 6 of the Provisions;
(2) any drug manufacturer or wholesaler in violation of the first paragraph of Article 11 of the Provisions;
(3) any drug manufacturer or distributor, in violation of Article 12 of the Provisions, failing to keep the relevant documents as required.

Article 31 Any drug manufacturer or distributor in violation of Article 7 of the Provisions shall be given a disciplinary warning and instructed to rectify within a time limit.

Article 32 In accordance with the provisions in Article 73 of the Drug Administration Law, in any of the following circumstances, the drugs illegally sold and the illegal gains therefrom shall be confiscated, and the drug manufacturer or distributor shall be fined not less than two times but not more than five times the value of the drugs illegally sold:
(1) any drug manufacturer or distributor, in violation of Article 8 of the Provisions, spot trading drugs on the premises not approved by the drug regulatory departments.
(2) any drug manufacturer in violation of Article 9 of the Provisions;
(3) any drug manufacturer or distributor in violation of Article 15 of the Provisions;
(4) any drug distributor in violation of Article 17 of the Provisions.

Article 33 Any drug manufacturer or distributor, in violation of Article 8 of the Provisions, storing drugs on the premises not approved by the drug regulatory departments,shall be punished pursuant to the provisions in Article 74 of the Regulations for Implementation of the Drug Administration Law.

Article 34 Any drug retailer in violation of the provisions in the second paragraph of Article 11 of the Provisions shall be instructed to rectify and given a disciplinary warning; and if the drug retailer fails to do so within a time limit, it shall be fined not more than RMB 500 yuan.

Article 35 Where a drug manufacturer or distributor, in violation of Article 13 of the Provisions, knows or should know that any person without certificates produces or distributes drugs, but still provide the person with drugs, they shall be given a disciplinary warning, instructed to rectify and fined not more than RMB 10,000 yuan. If the circumstances are serious, they shall be fined not less than RMB 10,000 yuan but not more than RMB 30,000 yuan.

Article 36 Drug manufacturers and distributors in violation of Article 14 of the Provisions shall be punished pursuant to the provisions in Article 82 of the Drug Administration Law.

Article 37 Where a drug distributor, in violation of Article 16 of the Provisions, purchases or sells pharmaceutical preparations dispensed by medical institutions, it shall be punished pursuant to the provisions in Article 80 of the Drug Administration Law.

Article 38 Any drug retailer in violation of the first paragraph of Article 18 of the Provisions shall be instructed to rectify within a time limit and given a disciplinary warning; if it fails to do so or the circumstances are serious, it shall be fined not more than RMB 1,000 yuan.

Where a drug retailer, in violation of the second paragraph of Article 18 of the Provisions, sells prescription drugs or Class A non-prescription drugs in absence of licensed pharmacists or other qualified pharmaceutical professionals, it shall be instructed to rectify within a time limit and given a disciplinary warning; if it fails to do so, it shall be fined not more than RMB 1,000 yuan.

Article 39 Where a drug manufacturer or wholesaler, in violation of Article 19 of the Provisions, fails to transport drugs under low-temperature or cold storage conditions as specified in insert sheets, it shall be given a disciplinary warning and instructed to rectify within a time limit; if it fails to do as instructed, it shall be fined not less than RMB 5,000 yuan but not more than RMB 20,000 yuan. Where the drugs concerned are legally proved to be counterfeit or substandard drugs, the drug manufacturer or wholesaler shall be punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Drug Administration Law.

Where a drug manufacturer or wholesaler, in violation of Article 19 of the Provisions, fails to store drugs under low-temperature or cold storage conditions as specified in insert sheets, it shall be punished pursuant to the provisions in Article 79 of the Drug Administration Law. Where the drugs concerned are legally proved to be counterfeit or substandard drugs, the drug manufacturer or wholesaler shall be punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Drug Administration Law.

Article 40 Any drug manufacturer or distributor in violation of Article 20 of the Provisions shall be instructed to rectify within a time limit and given a disciplinary warning; if the drug manufacturer or distributor fails to do so or the circumstances are serious, they shall be fined not more than two times the value of the free drugs offered, but not more than RMB 30,000 yuan.

Article 41 Any institution, in violation of Article 23 to Article 27 of the Provisions, shall be instructed to rectify within a time limit; if the circumstances are serious, it shall be announced.

Article 42 Where a drug manufacturer or distributor in violation of Article 21 of the Provisions or a medical institution in violation of Article 28 of the Provisions sells prescription drugs directly to the public by post, over internet, etc., they shall be instructed to rectify, given a disciplinary warning, and fined not more than two times the value of the drugs sold, but not more than RMB 30,000 yuan.

Article 43 Any illegal purchase of drugs, in violation of Article 22 of the Provisions, shall be punished pursuant to the provisions in Article 73 of the Drug Administration Law.

Article 44 Where a drug regulatory department or its staff that neglects its duty fails to stop or punish illegal activities that should be stopped or punished, administrative sanctions shall be imposed to the person directly in charge and other persons directly responsible. If a crime is constituted, criminal liabilities shall be investigated in accordance with law.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Article 45 Spot trading of drugs in the Provisions refers to the activity that drug manufacturers, distributors or their appointed sales staff carry and sell drugs to unspecified objects on spot other than the premises approved by the drug regulatory departments.

Article 46 With respect to the supervision on the distribution of specially controlled drugs, vaccines, and military medicines, if otherwise provided by the relevant laws, regulations and provisions, they shall prevail.

Article 47 The Provisions shall come into force as of May 1, 2007. As of the date when the Provisions goes into effect, the Provisions for Supervision of Drug Distribution (Interim) (SFDA Decree No.7) implemented on August 1, 1999 shall be annulled therefrom.

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   附 件:







市 长:



第一章 总 则

第一条 为规范和加强村庄规划建设与用地管理,推进我市社会主义新农村建设,改善村庄生产和生活环境,统筹城乡协调发展,进一步加快全面建设小康社会的步伐,依据《中华人民共和国土地管理法》、国务院《村庄和集镇规划建设管理条例》和《江西省村镇规划建设管理条例》,结合本市实际,制定本办法。

第二条 在本市行政区域内进行的村庄规划、建设、用地管理活动,必须遵守本办法。




第三条 村庄规划建设管理应当坚持科学规划、合理布局、节约用地、保护耕地和林地、因地制宜、量力而行的原则,实现社会、环境和经济效益的统一。

第四条 在村庄规划区内的建设实行统一规划、统一调整与安排用地、统一进行基础设施建设、统一管理。

第五条 市、县(市、区)规划、建设主管部门主管本行政区域内的村庄规划建设管理工作;国土资源主管部门主管本行政区域内的用地管理工作;乡(镇)政府负责本行政区域内的村庄规划建设管理与用地协调工作,具体由村镇规划建设管理机构和国土资源部门驻乡(镇)机构承担。

第六条 村民委员会应当协助乡(镇)政府、村镇规划建设管理机构和国土资源部门驻乡(镇)机构做好本村内的规划、建设、用地管理工作。

第二章 村庄建设规划的制定

第七条 本市行政区域内的所有村庄都必须编制建设规划。村庄建设规划由乡(镇)政府组织编制,县(市、区)规划、建设主管部门给予指导。

第八条 村庄建设规划按照因地制宜、有利生产、方便生活、合理布局、节约用地、配套建设、协调发展的原则编制。


第九条 村庄建设规划应当以所在地建制镇或者集镇总体规划为依据,根据当地经济发展水平,主要对公共设施、公益事业设施、生产经营性设施、住宅、供水、排水、供电、通讯、道路、绿化、环境卫生等生产和生活服务设施作出具体安排。

第十条 在铁路、国道、省道、县道沿线规划建设村庄时,应当选在铁路、公路的一侧控制线以外进行。历史形成的跨铁路、国道、省道、县道的村庄,应当根据具体情况逐步调整改造,不得再沿铁路、公路两侧发展。

第十一条 村庄建设规划的期限为5至10年。村庄建设规划到期前,应当及时组织修编。

第十二条 村庄建设规划经村民会议讨论同意后,由乡(镇)政府审查并报县(市、区)政府批准。村庄建设规划经批准后,由乡(镇)政府公布,并监督实施。

第十三条 根据社会经济发展要求,经村民会议同意,乡(镇)政府可以对村庄建设规划进行局部调整,并报县(市、区)政府备案。但涉及村庄的性质、规模、发展方向和总体布局等重大变更的,依照本办法第十二条规定的程序办理。

第三章 村庄建设规划的实施

第十四条 村庄规划区内的各项建设,必须服从规划管理。

第十五条 村民在村庄规划区范围内建住宅及附属用房的,按下列程序办理报建手续:





第十六条 在村庄规划区内兴建公共设施、公益事业设施、生产经营性设施、单位其他工程建设的,必须经乡(镇)政府审核、县(市、区)规划、建设主管部门审查同意出具《村镇规划选址意见书》后,依法办理用地批准手续。

第十七条 村民在村庄规划区内建住宅及其附属用房的,在开工前应当告知乡(镇)政府,由村镇规划建设管理机构和国土资源部门驻乡(镇)机构在5个工作日内派员到现场放线定位和丈量面积。

第十八条 在村庄规划区内兴建公共设施、公益事业设施、生产经营性设施、单位其他工程建设的,必须持《村镇规划选址意见书》、《建设用地批准书》、工程设计图纸,报经所在乡(镇)政府审查同意后,转报县(市、区)规划、建设主管部门批准核发《建设工程规划许可证》。

第十九条 在铁路、公路、河道两侧修建永久性建筑,其建筑物边缘与铁路路基外缘、公路边沟外缘、河道堤岸边缘的间距为:铁路不少于50米,河道不少于30米,高速公路(含匝道)不少于30米,高速公路的连接道不少于20米,国道不少于20米,省道不少于15米,县道不少于10米,乡道不少于5米,村道不少于4米。

第二十条 在村庄规划区内建临时建(构)筑物,须经乡(镇)政府批准,使用期限最长不超过二年。临时建(构)筑物必须在批准的使用期满前自行拆除;如国家或者集体需要用地的,应当在规定期限内自行拆除。


第二十一条 建设单位或者个人不得擅自变更《村镇规划选址意见书》、建设用地批准文件和《建设工程规划许可证》的内容。确需变更的,必须经原审批发证单位按规划要求审查同意并办理变更手续;不符合规划要求的,不得变更。


第二十二条 县(市、区)规划、建设主管部门、国土资源主管部门、乡(镇)政府在受理村庄建设项目中,每个审查环节必须在收到申请之日起15日内完成,每项证件必须在30日内办理完毕。符合条件的,发给证件;不符合条件的,应当书面说明理由;逾期不答复的,视为同意,并在15日内补发证件。

第二十三条 县(市、区)规划、建设主管部门和乡(镇)政府有权对村庄规划区范围内的建设工程依法进行监督管理,保证建设工程符合规划。

第四章 农村宅基地和其他建设用地管理

第二十四条 农村宅基地属于集体所有,农村村民只享有使用权,依法获得的宅基地使用权受法律保护,不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让。

第二十五条 农村村民新建、改建、扩建住宅,应当依法报批,未依法取得合法用地手续,不得动工。

第二十六条 农村村民新建住宅,必须符合村庄建设规划并遵循合理利用土地、切实保护耕地的原则,凡能利用原有宅基地或者村内空闲地、未利用地的,不得占用耕地。

第二十七条 农村村民建房用地必须执行乡(镇)土地利用总体规划,服从村庄建设规划,严禁占用基本农田保护区的耕地。

第二十八条 农村村民一户只能拥有一处宅基地,面积标准为:占用耕地的不得超过120平方米,占用荒山、荒坡和拆旧建新的控制在180平方米之内。

第二十九条 农村村民将原有住房出卖、出租或赠与他人后,再申请宅基地的,不得批准。新住宅建成后,原有旧房根据村庄建设规划要求拆除后,旧房宅基地退回原村民小组或者村民委员会。

第三十条 农村村民经批准占用耕地建住宅的,应当按规定交纳耕地开垦费、耕地占用税和防洪保安资金。经批准拆旧建新或者占用未利用地建住宅的,免收土地规费。

第三十一条 农村宅基地登记发证必须到户,变更登记应当及时办理。农村宅基地使用权证按规定只收取工本费。

第三十二条 在村庄规划区内兴建公共设施、公益事业设施、生产经营性设施、单位其他工程建设的用地管理,依照法律规定进行。

第五章 村庄建筑设计和施工管理

第三十三条 农村村民住宅设计应当讲究新颖、美观、简洁、经济、实用,满足现代农村生活要求,体现当地民居风格和乡土文化气息,符合通风、采光、隔热、排水、防潮等要求。


第三十四条 村庄建设跨度、跨径在6米以上或者高度4.5米以上的公共设施、公益事业设施和生产经营性设施的建设工程,必须由具有相应资质的单位进行设计,或者选用村镇通用设计和标准设计,并按照要求进行工程地质勘察。

第三十五条 鼓励持有资质证书或从业资格的施工队伍在村庄内从事相应范围的施工任务。


第三十六条 县(市、区)建设主管部门或其委托的乡(镇)政府应当对村庄建设项目的施工质量与安全进行监督检查。村庄的公共设施、公益事业设施和生产经营性设施等竣工后,应当按照国家有关规定,由建设单位负责组织验收。竣工验收合格之日起15日内,将工程竣工验收报告报县(市、区)建设主管部门备案。


第六章 村庄房屋登记和环境管理

第三十七条 逐步推行村庄房屋权属登记管理制度,鼓励村民依照《江西省城市房屋权属登记条例》办理产权产籍。

第三十八条 村庄应当有计划地进行植树绿化,美化环境。村庄规划确定的公共绿地、苗圃、防护林地、专用绿地,不得占用或者改作他用。

第三十九条 任何单位和个人都应当自觉保护村庄内的文物古迹、古村落、古建筑群、古树名木和风景名胜。

第四十条 村庄应当加强对村容村貌和环境卫生的管理,创造条件对垃圾、粪便进行无害化处理,公共场所应当组织人员清扫保洁。

第四十一条 村民委员会应当采取措施保护水资源和饮用水源,保护军事、防汛、防灾、通信等公用设施。

第四十二条 鼓励单位和个人捐资兴建村庄道路、桥梁、供排水等公用、公益设施。

第七章 附 则

第四十三条 违反本办法的,由规划、建设主管部门或者国土资源主管部门依法处理。

第四十四条 本办法自二OO六年四月一日起施行。
